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How  to  cultivate

In Your Home and Classroom!

You are an amazing parent (or teacher) and want to raise kind kids. I am so glad you are here! Kids are so amazing, but sometimes teaching them to get along with others and develop into a kind person can seem impossible!

You have probably tried all sorts of parenting techniques and been told by many parenting “experts” what you need to do to teach your kids. Often parenting strategies are difficult, time-consuming, expensive (think coaching or courses), contradictory, or ultimately unhelpful.

Don’t get me wrong there are all sorts of parenting resources out there that are wonderful, but that’s just it… there are so many and it can be sooooo overwhelming!

What if there was a simple tool to cultivate kindness?

There is!

Harvard University recommends reading and discussing books to help children develop empathy*.

I bet you have always known that reading to your kids is beneficial, you might even have a tradition to read books every night. But, did you know it can help them learn kindness too?!

As part of their “Making Caring Common Project” with research done by their Graduate School of Education, Harvard states:

Whether via TV or film, books, podcasts, museums, cultural events, or new places, look for opportunities for meaningful engagement with people and communities who look, act, or speak differently than you do. Encourage your child to be honest (but respectful and genuine) about what they’re experiencing, to ask questions, and to be curious about finding information you both don’t know about.

Our books are specifically tailored for this purpose, and have been created by an award-winning children’s curriculum writer.

How our books cultivate kindness:

Diverse and Inclusive Characters

Harvard’s research states that for a book to help children develop empathy it needs to show lifestyles, appearances, struggles, experiences that are different than what the child is accustomed to. Our books feature diverse and inclusive characters with many life circumstances and struggles to allow children to step into the shoes of people that are different than they are.

Focused on Giving

Each of our books partner with a non-profit organization to weave their mission into a fun and engaging story and then give them a portion of the proceeds. At the back of the book is more detailed information about the organization and how a child can help! This allows children to not only practice kindness, but to see what amazing organizations are doing to help spread love in many forms.

Fun and Engaging

The best teaching materials fall flat if they don’t engage the learner. Our stories are full of humor and beautiful illustrations children will be drawn to, with no attention spared to the smallest details!

Free Resources

Each story includes an author’s note that includes information on the non-profit featured in the story, to help kids discover what good people are doing in the world AND suggested discussion questions to help children take a few more steps in another’s shoes as recommended by Harvard. We also have free lesson plans and activity sheets available to accompany each story, perfect for a family or school!